Is the End of the World near? Are we living in the Last Days? Is Christ’s return at hand? For 150 years here in America we have constantly been told we were living on the threshold of the end of the world and Christ’s return. Prediction after prediction has failed to materialize, and false hope after false hope has been foisted upon the Christian community. Many Christians have been disillusioned, and are already looking for more reasonable explanations. Some have been so disillusioned they left the faith altogether. And the secular media (who are always looking for an excuse) are further discrediting Christianity because of it. Something is terribly wrong with traditional views of Bible Prophecy. There is a serious need to re-examine the whole issue of Last Things. For more read the full excerpt from Ed Stevens, here.
You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right (Full Video)
This video was produced as a tool for sharing Preterism with others.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 1 (Introduction)
An interesting eschatological view from a Preterist perspective.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 2 (Apocalyptic Language)
Understanding the Apocalyptic writing of the Hebrew Scriptures
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 3 (End of the World?)
Understanding the use of the word Aion, meaning end of the Age.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 4 (Audience Relevance)
Understanding the Scriptures, in connection to whom the audience to whom it is written.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 5 (Coming in the Clouds)
Understanding the Hebrew idiom, of Clouds used in the Scriptures.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 6 (Partial Preterism)
Understanding that at least in part, some of the Prophecies had occurred in the past.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 7 (The Kingdom)
Understanding the double fulfillment nature of prophecy.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 8 (Double Fulfillment)
Understanding the double fulfillment nature of prophecy.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding. Right, Part 9 (Audience Relevance Part 2)
Continuing to understand Audience Relevance.
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You’ve Gotta be kidding… Right, Part 10 (A New Beginning)
The beginning of an interesting study on the subject of Preterism.
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I had already believed that the kingdom of God was a spiritual kingdom and that most of prophecy concerning the 2nd coming was completed in 70 AD. In short I was a partial preterits before I ever heard the word. For the last few years I had be struggling with the possibility that all had been fulfilled in 70 AD and there was no future fulfillment but had not yet come to a conclusion. Your presentation and list of sources will prove invaluable in making a determination. But more than this, as I have been politely shunned by most churches I fell I have an invaluable source in your presentation to convey to others what I believe is truth without having to know every scriptural location. This presentation is far more informative and complete than I could ever express in a discussion. I don’t know that every thing said is absolutely true but I also don’t believe every thing I now believe is 100% true. This I do believe, God is Truth and every truth one knows is to know God.
Your struggle is something I have shared. I still have questions. But I feel more confident in my understanding, even without all the answers. Glad these resources have been useful for you.