By His Blood – Mercy and Grace

Romans 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

My friend Brandon Lee, as well as a few others, has described mercy and grace in this way:  If you are speeding on the nation’s roads, and the police pull you over for  speeding and does not give you a ticket, that’s mercy.  Grace is when the cop pulls you over for speeding and then gives you a check for a thousand dollars.

Mercy is when we do not get what we deserve, that is, punished for our sins.  Grace is when we get what we don’t deserve, that is, the inheritance in Christ.  It is important to know that they are in fact two different things, and two different aspects of the Finished Work of Jesus Christ.

Romans 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

Because of the finished work of Christ, God has Shown Mercy to All.  Mercy has to do with the forgiveness of sin, which by the blood of Jesus, has been extended to all men, past, present and future.  The forgiveness of sins is an act of God’s mercy.

Mercy is not a New Covenant concept.  Mercy existed under the Old Covenant (Psalms 103:3).  Sins were forgiven even under the Old, although they weren’t ultimately taken away until the Cross of Jesus Christ.  If all God had done at the Cross was to forgive our sins, that would be amazing, but the New Covenant is not Moses Light, rather it is an entirely new system that cannot be mixed with the old.

Grace has always existed, hidden in the shadow of the Old Testament, prophesied and manifested in the person of Jesus Christ, and ultimately revealed through the finished work, and exposited on throughout the New Testament.  It is all about what God has done to Humanity through our inclusion in Christ through the garden, to the ascension of Christ.   Grace is our undeserved acceptance; adoption and Inheritance in Christ that we partake of, by faith.  Grace is God’s unmerited favour acting to influence every area of our life, to bring the truths that Jesus says about us, into the manifestation of our lives by the power of His Spirit.

Paul White talking about what is God’s Grace?

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