Dr Bruce Wauchope is one of the founding members of Perichoresis Australia. He is devoted to the ministry of the gospel and is committed to spreading the Trinitarian message to as wide an audience as possible. He is a father to five children and a grandfather to one. Bruce also runs a medical practise here in Adelaide. He has enormous insight into understanding the mind teaching people the importance of conforming to the truth of what is revealed in the Person and work of Jesus Christ.
Dr Bruce Wauchope’s video gallery Click Here
What is the Gospel – Session 1
Bruce Wauchope, in association with Perichoresis and Transformation Media, presents a seminar discussing how theology, philosophy, spirituality and history has influenced the church’s views on God and the good news He brings. In Session 1, there is a deconstruction of “the western ‘dodgy’ gospel”, while Session 2 puts forward a hebraic-centred, scriptural, life-giving good news message. http://www.included.com.au/
What is the Gospel – Session 2
Session 2 puts forward a hebraic-centred, scriptural, life-giving good news message.