By His Blood – The Illusion of Lack

“The Spirit of Anti-Christ, is when we focus on Mantles, Anointings, Impartations, Gifts, and everything else but the Christ in you the Hope of Glory.” – Summary of The Jesus Manifesto by Frank Viola

In the Genesis account of creation, the first thing that God saw that was not good, was that Adam was alone. So, as much as we say Adam was perfect, his perfection only came when his wife Eve was created and the two together were the pinnacle of God’s creation. From day one, they were in luxury accommodations of the Garden of Eden.

The enemy had a real challenge on his hands. How do you get these perfect beings to fall? He introduced an artificial lack in themselves. He told them that God had not given them everything and they needed to do something to be like God. What they did not know, was that they were already like God. That lack of knowledge created the circumstances of the fall.

This side of the Cross, where we have been perfected in Christ, that we have the fullness of the Godhead in us, we have His Name, and have been adopted into the family of God. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings for life and godliness. Our sin nature has been crucified with Christ, and we now have the very nature of God himself, and we have become one spirit with Christ.

With a list of benefits so long, how is the enemy going to trip up God’s people to keep them from crushing him and his works under their feet? Simple, create an artificial lack. He will tell us that we are still a work in progress, that we need a touch from a remote man of God so we will exhaust our time and energy going after it. He will tell us we are still sinners, and we are not close enough to God, or holy enough to be used by God, and have us on the tread mill of morality and law-keeping to achieve something that was never given to produce life. He will tell us that the Holy Spirit is like a commodity rather than a person, and we can get more and more Holy Spirit somehow. He will get us chasing a second touch from the man of God, double portions, mantles from dead saints that have gone before, all the while, the Bible says we are complete and that we can do all things through Christ.

In the New Testament, we hear nothing of these things. In fact, Paul would only stress that we increase in the knowledge of Christ (Ephesians 1:17), because he understood the work was truly finished. The more we know about Jesus, the more we will be conformed into his image.

The key to effective ministry is not to fill some artificial lack, by going from conference to conference, and getting every new book that’s advertised on Christian television, rather it is by the continued acknowledgment of every good things we have in Christ NOW.

Philemon 1:6  That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

Reinhard Bonnke talking about the Anointing and our identity in Christ.

4 thoughts on “By His Blood – The Illusion of Lack”

  1. Thank you so much for this article..for some reason this is exactly how I have been feeling the last few weeks. This article has blessed me so much that I now have a clearer understanding of whose and who I am in Christ.. God bless the author..

  2. The article is perfect, but sad to say the illustrated picture is not at a perfect one instead an irrelevant one. If possible please replace it, otherwise it gives a wrong message. Thanks for listening. Best Regards

  3. The article is perfect, but sad to say the illustrated picture is not a perfect one instead its an irrelevant one. If possible please replace it, otherwise it gives a wrong message. Thanks for listening. Best Regards

  4. The article is perfect, but sad to say the illustrated picture is not at a perfect one instead an irrelevant one. If possible please replace it, otherwise it gives a wrong message. Thanks for listening. Best Regards


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