Come Holy Spirit? Empowering the Holy Spirit in your life today

“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there.
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”
– King David, Psalms 139:7,8.

One of the earliest revelations of the New Covenant happened to me quite by surprise. I was attending a youth meeting, and we had just done a study on 1 John 1:9, and explained that it was Christ’s job to cleanse us of all unrighteousness, not our own. The event was winding down, when the wife of the host made a comment concerning the worship that was sung in the church on Sundays.

She made a very simple statement. “Why do we sing songs asking God to not take his His Holy Spirit from us, when God has already promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us.”

In that moment, my eyes were opened to a tremendous truth that up to that moment had never dawned on me. All the Bible is true, but not all the Bible is talking to new covenant believers. This understanding revolutionized how I understood the Scriptures and my revelation of the New Covenant.

Additional Reading: Supernatural Power for Everyday People: Experiencing God’s Extraordinary Spirit in Your Ordinary Life

Is our Worship Music denying Christ’s work?

The first casualty of the New Covenant revelation is always the worship music we perform before services. Our songs are littered with notions of separation rather than union in Christ.

We sing things like, “Come Holy Spirit,” “We welcome you in this place,” or “We need your presence.” Now there would be nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that it denies the Finished Work of Jesus Christ and all he did to get His Spirit into us, so he can promise to be with us always, to never leave us nor forsake us.

Begging God to show up

There are many gatherings that are put together for the sole purpose of getting God to show up. In these movements, believers pray, fast and cry out so that God will come in some fashion and interact with His people.

I’m not saying these are bad people. It’s just that many don’t know better. Those who have dedicated themselves to this lifestyle, usually end up burnt out, frustrated and disillusioned with prayer entirely.

When God’s presence is actually manifested in one of these meetings by someone getting healed or other signs, believers quickly accredit it to their prayer and fasting, rather than on the faithfulness of God to be there, when two or three gather in His name (Matthew 18:20)

Almost like pagan worship?

Much of what we do in worship, is no better than what the Prophets of Baal did when challenged by Elijah on Mount Carmel. Elijah didn’t plan a big event. Rather, he offered a very clear challenge. If Baal shows up, he is God. If Yahweh shows up, he is God. Whichever one shows up, serve him. The Prophets of Baal prepared their offering and set out in their prayer meeting.

They began to cry out, scream, fall and even cut themselves so that Baal would show up. Of course, none of that worked. When Elijah took to the altar, he did none of that. He knew he had walked into this encounter with his God, even under an old covenant. After drowning the offering in water, he simply prayed once, and God answered by fire.

Do you still think you are separated from God?

There is nothing wrong with screaming, yelling and falling out for the Lord. What makes that behavior in worship no better than the prophets of Baal’s actions, is when we think that is what we must do, to usher in his presence and get God to show up.

Many believers still think in terms of separation, rather than walking in the constant awareness of His union with us. When we understand the New Covenant and our union with Christ, our relationship with him will grow. Then any music that implies he is not with us, or he is holding back, tend to fade off into the background noise.

Additional Reading: How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Video: Tom Tompkins talking about how God will Never leave us nor forsake us.

11 thoughts on “Come Holy Spirit? Empowering the Holy Spirit in your life today”

  1. Great article, Brook! I remember being in meetings that the guy speaking said that God likes to hide. Like a dad playing hide and seek. So that led to thinking that we need to coax Him out of hiding! Crying, begging, etc.Face palm inserted…this guy was a very well known guy in the body of Christ.

  2. I’m always happy to speak of God The Father GOD The Son GOD The Holy Spirit… The Godhead***

  3. I’m always happy to speak of the Godhead

  4. I love the way God use you mightily for His glory.
    May God increase power and annointing of His Holy Spirit upon you.

  5. Where words fail, music speaks. God is not always present just because we open the doors of the church. God wants to feel that He is welcomed in your house. So we invite Him with all sincerity and faith; knowing in our hearts that God will show up.
    When a guest arrives at your home, you welcome him with open arms and make them feel comfortable. We offer food, drinks, conversation and all that is pleasant to make their stay as delightful as possible.
    Unfortunately God wants to find a place in your life, your heart and home. The only way we can accomplish that is to make Him feel welcomed by doing His will and obeying His Commandments. God does not not force His will upon us, nor is He some dictatorial judge who waits to punish you at your slightest mistake.
    So many churches nowadays are just playing church. So many so called Christians are make believe. “We sing because we are happy. We sing because we are free. Know this one thing; His eye is on the sparrow and we must believe and know that He watches over us.
    So trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
    Operative word “acknowledge”.
    Just as standing in your garage doesn’t make you are car, going to to church doesn’t make you a Christian.

  6. Father in Heaven You have created me and You also promised me that You shall never leave me nor forsake me.Lord Jesus You can not leave me now Oh God.Thank You for every think in my life in Jesus name l pray.Amen


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