What if I Sin Wilfully? Can I lose my salvation?

“All sin is done willfully otherwise God could not judge us by our works.” – Brook Potter

One question that often comes up, is what happens when we continue in sin as a believer? Are we at risk of losing our salvation? Often Hebrews 10:26 – 27 is quoted at me, that says:

Hebrews 10:26-27 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

The author of the book of Hebrews is writing to the Jews about how things are going to work now that Jesus Christ is the ultimately sacrifice for sin, once for all (Hebrews 10:10).

Still engaging in temple sacrifices

He is addressing those who are professing to have faith in Christ for their sins. Yet, they are still engaging in temple sacrifices and cleansing rituals as part of the Jewish tradition.

We know all sins, past, present and future sins were judged at the cross. And mercy was given to all men (Romans 11:32).

The sins of the whole world has been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ, yet while we were still dead in our sins, and even before we came to faith in Christ, because of the blood of Jesus (Colossians 2:13).

So then, what if we sin?

The question becomes, what is Hebrews 10:26 talking about, if it is we know that all sins have been forgiven?

The answer is found in the following verses where the author explains the context. The author goes on to explain the consequences for those who rejected each of the covenants that were given to the Jews.

Firstly, In Hebrews 10:28, the author explains what happened to those who despised the law of Moses and how they died without mercy. In verse 29, we see the illumination of what these verses are talking about.

Hebrews 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Trusting in your own sacrifices

The sin that is referred to in Hebrews 10:26, is the sin of having come to the saving knowledge of Christ, but then turning away from Him to say, we don’t need His sacrifice, we’ll trust in our own sacrifices.

That’s why verse 26 says there is no more sacrifice for sins. God is not going to send another lamb. Jesus is It.

In short, he is addressing the sin of unbelief in what Jesus Christ has done regarding sin and our salvation.

We can know that our sins are forgiven. But by our actions, we can live a life of sacrifice and duty, trying to earn forgiveness and salvation, because we really don’t trust in what He has done.

We have been saved by his grace, Jesus Christ’s Finished Work (Ephesians 2:5), through faith in what He has done (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The only sin that can remove that saving faith from you is the unbelief in what Christ has done, and turning to find another sacrifice apart from his Blood.

7 thoughts on “What if I Sin Wilfully? Can I lose my salvation?”

  1. So does that mean that you can be a murderer or a rapist, but as long as you believe in Jesus and say the Lord's Prayer you are allowed into heaven? Or I can live like the world and its ok?

    • On the answer to your first question, was not Paul a murderer and a persecutor of Christians? Do you think he went to heaven? If So, why did he go?

      We are saved by Grace through Faith. Sin is not what sends us to hell, it is the rejection of Jesus, the payment for our sins that sends us to hell. (John 3:18)

      You are asking me the same thing that the early church asked the Apostle Paul, Romans 6:1  ¶What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? My answer is the same as his, How can people who are dead to sin live in sin anymore (Romans 6:2)?

      We have a new nature now, where we don’t want to sin, we want Jesus. The problem is, most of us don’t really believe that we can trust Christ in People Alone to bring about right Living.

      For more see my article on “Is Grace a License to Sin?”

  2. I’m sorry but I don’t follow. Are you really saying that we can go on sinning, go on breaking God’s commandments, go on living just how we please, and still gain eternal life simply because we believe that Jesus is Lord? I hope to God that this is not what you meant. “Willful Sin” is soooo much more than slaying sheep as atonement for your transgressions even after Jesus died for our sins. Willful sinning is also knowing what is right in God’s eyes and deliberately choosing to do the opposite. People don’t be fooled, you CANNOT give your life to Jesus and go on living however you please. You must now live according to Godly principles.

  3. I disagree that all sin is done willfully. There are many things we do that we do not consciously register as being sinful while doing it. There are also things that we are convicted about to be wrong, and we still do, which I would consider willful sinning. Christ’s death and resurrection frees us from the power of sin and the Holy Spirit gives us the desire to please God. I think we’re treading on dangerous ground if we sin willfully and make the blood of Christ as though it is of none effect.

    “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”- Galatians 6: 7-9

    • Hey Liselle, Happy New Year to do.
      The article is dealing with the specific context of Hebrews 10:26-27, show the context of this verse is for Jewish believers being tempted to return to the temple system. I’m guessing you have no problem with the article in that regard.

      You are free to disagree with me. I’ll ask you then to give me an example of a sin that is done un-wilfully.

      For you to think that we’re on dangerous ground when we sin, means that you either don’t know, or don’t believe in what the blood has accomplished. For us to be on “Dangerous Ground” with God, when we sin willfully, that would have to mean that the Blood hasn’t really secured our forgiveness, hasn’t really cleansed us of all unrighteousness, and the Scripture lied when it says God is no longer imputing our sins to us, or how God remembers our sins no more, etc.

      For us to be in any danger, it would mean the blood hasn’t really done anything. That is what it means to take the blood lightly, or to make the blood of Jesus of no effect. It is to speak highly of the blood with words, but by our actions show that we really don’t believe the blood has power. For the Jewish believers, it was demonstrated by them returning to the temple system. For believers today, it’s expressed in statements like the one you made. The very fact that you think it’s dangerous ground if we sin willfully, is the very definition of taking the blood lightly and make it of no effect.

      Galatians 6:7-9, is warning gentiles not to get circumcised otherwise they will part take in the judgement of Jerusalem that was to come. I fully agree that Sin has natural consequences on the Earth, and can be damaging to our lives personally, but it it cannot affect our standing with God. If sin could affect our standing with God, that would be an admission that Sin is more powerful than the Blood, and a statement of unbelief.

      It is our complete confidence in the blood, that allows us not to be fearful, even if we sin.

      1 John 3:20 – 21  ¶For if our heart condemn us [when we sin], God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.  Beloved, if our heart condemn us not [when we sin], then have we confidence toward God.

      If you still think there is “Dangerous Ground” in Christ that we must be fearful of, then your understanding of God’s love hasn’t yet been made perfect.

      1 John 4:18  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

      Enjoy the Study.


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