By His Blood ~ The Scandal of Justification!

Romans 5:9  Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

The best example I can give to explain what Justified means, would be to imagine you are charged with a crime, but the courts decide to be merciful and allow you to go free. Now, you may be free, but the courts still hold the record of your wrongs, and someday those wrongs may come up again in other ways.

Justification, is the eradication of the record that you ever did anything wrong. That not only are you cleared from the charges, but there is now, no longer any evidence to support that you were ever in the wrong.

It’s both marvellous and scandalous. Yet the Bible tells us that we have been justified by the Blood of Jesus. His sacrifice was so powerful, that God says that He will remember our sins no more. (Hebrews 10:17)

We have seen this power in action but very few of us have recognized it in our reading of the story of Abraham in the Book of Romans. We read that Abraham staggered not at the promises of God (Romans 4:20).

But that is scandalous! We have the story of Abraham recorded in the book of Genesis, and we have proof of his staggering faith; the fact that he produced Ishmael by his own efforts, he even laughed at God’s promise of a son with his wife Sarai, and even his attempt to convince God to use Ishmael instead. (Genesis 17:17-18)

How can Paul write, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that Abraham never staggered? The answer is the Cross. By the Blood of Jesus, we have been justified and when the story of our lives is told in heaven, there will be no record of our failures or sins. With that good news, we can be free from the guilt, shame and condemnation that keep us far off from the Father, and know that we are fully accepted, not by any human effort, but through faith in what Christ did for us when he died.


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